The Blog of Anders Nissen

mandag, juni 13, 2005

Pointless Update

I just felt the need to do some updating, so here it is.

Still hard at work on WikiAdventure, a project that I'm very enthusiastic about. A couple of weeks worth of work more, and everyone should be able to make their own games using it.
I'll also create a number of tutorials or how-tos to make it easier for non-programmers to use it.

Until next time; enjoy yourself! :)


  • I'm looking forward to its completion, Anders! It's a very exciting project :)

    By Anonymous Anonym, at 2:40 AM  

  • Thanks, I'm pretty excited by it as well!
    I hope it will work in pratice - that I'll be able to make it play like an interactive story or maybe even a game! ;)

    I've got a rough outline of a pretty original game planned for the launch, but hopefully people will try altering games/making their own games. That is the whole purpose, after all.

    The project still has some time before "completion" (no such thing in software development), and my two-week holiday to southen Spain in July dosn't help things.
    I hope two weeks of sunbathing, drinking and partying won't kill all memory of how to code works... :P

    By Blogger Anders Nissen, at 10:15 PM  

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