The Blog of Anders Nissen

søndag, juli 31, 2005

One Hour Photo

I just watched "One Hour Photo", starring Robin Williams and Connie Nielsen, and that's one creepy movie! It's creepy because it's the story of a man you see everyday. A man who doesn't have any friends, family or anything.
This particular man works at a photo lab, and his whole life revolves around a family whose picture he's been processing for nearly a decade. It's a psychological thriller, and Williams is great as "Sy", although I couldn't quite shake the feeling of his previous performances in the comedy genre. It was a little drawn-out at first, but the pace picked up later on.

I'm not having any pictures developed any time soon!

The Beginning Of Batman

... and what a beginning!
I saw the movie in the cinema last night with some friends, and it was a really good film. High-paced action, good acting, a somewhat believable story and a great pre-quel to the other Batman movies.
Highly recommendable!

fredag, juli 29, 2005

Multi-Line Text Class

Yay! I've just managed to get my SDL multi-line text object working! :D

It's build on top of my single-line SDL text object, but has some additional features such as:
- Splitting text string into multiple lines at new-line characters
- Setting a maximum width for the text
- The text will automatically have its width compared against the maximum, and split into multiple lines of text at an appropriate location and all within the bounding width.
- The list of text lines works exactly like the regular single-line version and has the same interface, so they can be used interchangeably.

Here's a screenie. The top line is the original text, and the highlighted lines are the multi-line text object.

It's only about 200 lines of code, but it wrecked quite a bit of havoc, so I've spend a few days working on it, and code marginally related to it. However, I believe that the changes I've made to the areas of code closer to the core has made it more robust . :)

torsdag, juli 28, 2005

I Got Accepted!

I got accepted at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science at the University of Aarhus! Here I'll be taking a three-year bachelor in computer science, maybe minoring in multi-media.
If that goes well, I'll take a two-year masters-addition specializing in the development of games. Yes, there is actually a special course for that! :D

Until now I've thought I was going to start the 29th August, but on the website it says the 24th August. That was a bit of a surprise but okay.
Then I read about the introduction week where we'll get to know each other, and it says that I'm starting the 18th August! Yikes, good thing I've quit my job from the 12th then!

However, it looks like I haven't got much time to work on my WikiAdventure project - I was planning on polishing it up in the weeks before starting :'(

Update: The information about the introduction week was out of date (actually it was from last year!), so I'm going to start the 24th August after all. Suits me fine, then I'll have a few more days working on my pet hobby project ;)

mandag, juli 25, 2005

Three Weeks To Go

I'm quiting my day job in three weeks, more precisely the 12th August. After that I'll have to weeks off and then hopefully start at the university the 29th August. I will get a reply from the university the 28th July on whether I've been accepted or not.

Three weeks to go...

lørdag, juli 23, 2005

WikiAdventure Screenshots!

I think it's time to show what I've been mocking around with these past few months.

Here's a few screenshots of WikiAdventure (for some reason the cursor isn't appearing on them). Enjoy.

Game list screen:
(More precisely it's the loading screen for this game)

Game loading screen:

Game loading screen with debug overlay:

Location screen with dialog:
(More precisely it's the location screen for this location)

Location screen with debug overlay:

Location screen with dialog and debug overlay:

There's still some things to be done, but I'm rapidly approaching beta stage. :)

I've posted the same screenshots in The Game Programming Wiki's forum, so if you want to see what other people wrote go here.

torsdag, juli 14, 2005

Back From Spain

I'm back home again after a really great vacation. But now I need a few days to relax and flatten out.

We've taken a lot of pictures, some of which will be put online in the near future. I'll throw a link here when that happens.

On a side note; I just found a web site created by a DJ and there's tons of great bastard/bootleg/mash tracks for the taking - go take a listen!

That's all for right now!

søndag, juli 03, 2005

Holiday: Heading South!

My summer holiday has started, and this Monday I'll be heading for Lloret de Mar in Spain with some friends. We're repeating last year's success with a ten-day trip to warmer skies, and a lot of sun bathing, partying, drinking and just relaxing and having a good time.

I'll be back home by the 13th or 14th of July, provided that everything goes according to plan.

Have a great summer holiday everyone!